Gwendolyn Kuhlmann, (AT, USA.)

I have been on an odyssey, and Sasha was my guide. Her presence is that of an eternal being with a matching amount of love for you, the kind of love that will not save you from the pain of the darkness, but rejoices in your tour of the underworld.

She is not afraid of the chaos that the declaration of your truth may cause in your life, and her lack of fear shines light in the darkness and makes the upheaval feel bearable.

She holds you in the fullness and truth of your power, never seeing you as anything less than who your wildest dreams have declared you to be. She holds you to it, knowing that it is nothing short of your medicine.

If you want someone earnest, passionate, sensual, honest, and free to help you keep your bearings as you find your way to your version of those same qualities, look no further. This is Sasha's medicine.

-Gwendolyn Kuhlmann Reid, (Opera singer, “The Idea Doula” copywriting coach, mother, creative mentor (USA.)