Fabi Paolini, (FL, USA.)

My life has absolutely been transformed. I feel like I found God. I now it sounds weird, but it’s true. I was already successful, but internally I was struggling a lot inside myself and spending a lot of time, always doing, always thinking I had to have everything figured out instead of allowing, and receiving, and trusting flow to come through, allowing God to come through. Now, I feel like I really understand myself more than I’ve ever understood myself before how I work, how my brain works, and I feel like my true essence and the essence of God coming through me. I feel like there’s so much more peace, and I now have so much more power and faith and trust, just knowing that I’m not really alone, that I don’t have to figure things out on my own, that I have someone by my side. I feel that I really found my voice, and stepped into my powerful message, in the process and I became a better leader for myself and for my family, my husband.

To say that my wife has changed would be an absolute understatement because it’s really bigger than I can even put into words, and I feel so so grateful for Sasha and her wisdom. I feel like she is truly like a superwoman; she likes the truth of you and brings so much magic to the work that she does. She is really with you and great at listening and supporting you and just giving you the absolutely perfect words that come to her and the perfect moment, like she knows exactly what to say and exactly how to guide you.

It’s really just incredible and I really would not hesitate for a moment and investing with working with her.

I would like not even think about it for a second, because your life is going to transform in ways that are subtle but massive at the same time. Like the things that are going to change are really impactful and they’re gonna change you for the better, and make your life easier and happier, and just that feeling of “you’ve got this .” Sasha thank you so much.

-Fabi Paolini (FL, USA.), entrepreneur, business coach, and mother.